Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™

Necs™ KIT
Restore Pain-Free Leg Flexibility

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It works for :


Meniscus Tears

ACL Injuries

Patellar Tendinitis

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome


Rheumatoid Arthritis


PCL Injuries

General Knee Pain

You'll get back to



and climbing stairs

without Knee Pain!

*even if you're over 50 years old

**or your money back


Have you ever noticed how docile that painful knee becomes after a well-executed massage by a physiotherapist?


We've made the Necs Knee Brace capable of replicating those same results.

But without having to see a physiotherapist, without needing pain relievers, and without the short-term results that don't last!

What do the
12 Massage points
actually do?

Having the Necs™ Knee Brace on is like having a physiotherapist working on your knee around the clock!

Recent studies have shown that a powerful and well-executed massage on your knee can stimulate blood and protein flow in the joint.

This initiates a natural healing process, reducing inflammation in the bones, tendons, or muscles.

This treatment can quickly ease your pain, allowing you to get back to running, walking, or just standing up from a chair, all without pain! 

That's why over 110,000 people with Knee Pain love Necs™

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Knee osteoarthritis had me nearly immobile;
even with prostheses, the pain returned within a month. Now, I'm moving well, climbing stairs unaided, and enjoying long walks again. Highly recommend necs!

- Corinna Fairbridge

Nonna 3.webp__PID:0929d8e1-9501-48c7-9878-5ccfd6773e69

My doctor recommended Necs after various research on the 12-point massage technology.
I'm glad I listened, now I'm back to taking care of my home and enjoying my grandchildren pain-free... Thank you, Necs.

- Liora Thistlewood

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One day I woke up and found out that knee osteoarthritis was trying to age me!
It never succeeded! I take care of my garden all by myself without pain...
Nice try, knee osteoarthritis.

- Alaric Bramwell

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I was almost ready to give up driving my Mercedes because of knee osteoarthritis. And when I say I've tried everything, you can truly trust me. From painkillers to prosthetics, to massages three times a week.
Necs saved my golden years.

- Gideon Ashfield

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She is Karden, my 86-year-old mom, but since she has these super knee braces on her knees, she looks 35 again.
The amount of energy that knee pain can suck out of you is huge. Relieving that pain can really give you your life back.

- Isolde Stroud

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I've been fishing since I was 16 years old,
and I always wanted to spend my retirement doing that as long as I could. Who would've thought about knee pain?
Well, I didn't, and then it hit. But the Necs knee braces were the biggest catch I could ever land. Highly recommended

- Jasper Eastley

and 9 out of 10 Doctors Recommend Necs™ Knee Brace!

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It's the only one with 12 massage points. It's essential for those with osteoarthritis of the knee and cartilage deficiency. It will get you back on your feet quickly from the very first use. My patients love it!

Dr. Taylor
(Orthopedic Surgeon
Specializing in Knee Joints)

Regain your agility and strength

Bending your leg, courching down, or simply getting up from the couch will no longer be painful

Rediscover the pleasure of long walks...

Enhance your mobility and enjoy a more active lifestyle.
With every step, feel confident and pain-free, staying ahead in your journey to wellness

Up to 14 times more effective than a standard knee brace

Thanks to its 12 massage points

It's like having a physiotherapist massaging your knee 24 hours a day.

but that's not all...

The gel ring

stabilizes and supports the patella to prevent further damage and inflammation to the knee and its tendons


The lateral elastic bars

alleviate the weight of each step on the knee and ensure that the kneepad doesn't roll when you use it

and if the pain doesn't go away...

You'll get all your money back!

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Every purchase is protected by a 30-day money-back guarantee!

This means you have 30 days to try it out.

If you continue to experience pain even while using the Necs™ Knee Brace, you'll receive a full refund!

That's how confident we are in our product.

What are the thoughts of those who have already tried it?

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Katie M.

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I bought it because I could no longer climb stairs and even walking had become difficult. I highly recommend it if you have pain. DON'T SPEND MONEY ON DOCTORS LIKE MINE BECAUSE THE PAIN COMES BACK.

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Jack J. 

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My physiotherapist recommended Necs™. He says it takes a lot of patients away from him, but he always advises the good of the patient..... RECOMMENDED


Patrick C.

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I suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee. And now I sit without pain! I recommend it



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My mother couldn't tend the garden after her illnesses, and now I eat the same tomatoes I ate as a child... recommended!

Pagamento alla consegna!


Se in 14 giorni non noti alcun miglioramento riguardo al tuo dolore al ginocchio ti ridiamo tutti i tuoi soldi indietro!


Gli studi hanno dimostrato che trascurare il dolore al ginocchio può rivelarsi una delle peggiori decisioni che tu possa prendere in vita tua.

Lasciare che la pressione del corpo sul ginocchio continui a stressare il ginocchio può portare al cosiddetto “cedimento del ginocchio stressato”

Il cedimento del ginocchio stressato avviene quando il ginocchio non riesce più a tollerare tutta la pressione che la tua vita di tutti i giorni gli richiede

e si trova costretto a cedere lasciandoti a terra senza che tu riesca ad aspettartelo.

Perché il ginocchio non ti avvisa più di quanto non stia facendo Oggi, ORA.

E tutte quelle fitte profonde, il gonfiore, il bruciore che senti quando sali le scale, cammini o corri, non sono altro che il modo in cui il ginocchio ti sta urlando contro tutto il dolore.

Non ascoltarlo potrebbe portare ad essere necessaria una vera e propria operazione chirurgica con annessa riabilitazione che ti terrà lontano da Lavoro, Hobby e Sport fino a 35 giorni (riabilitazione compresa)

E tutto questo a causa del peso del corpo che il tuo ginocchio non è più in grado di sopportare.

Ecco perché abbiamo creato il Tutore Ortopedico Artolis.

Che va immediatamente ad alleggerire la pressione sul ginocchio grazie alle sue molle.

Ti basterà indossarlo (anche sotto i pantaloni) e lasciare che le molle facciano il suo lavoro mentre tu riprendi a vivere la tua vita.

8 medici su 10 in Italia e Stati Uniti consigliano il nostro Tutore.

Ed oggi puoi averlo a casa in 24/72h e alla metà del prezzo.

Infatti in questo periodo di riassortimento Il tutore originale Ortopedico Artolis puoi averlo a 49€ invece che 99€ (solo fino ad esaurimento scorte)

Clicca quindi sul pulsante verde in basso con su scritto “Ordina Ora” e compila il modulo nella pagina che ti appare e in 24/72 h sarai di nuovo in grado di prendere a calci la tua vita.

Se così non fosse.. Hai tutti i tuoi soldi indietro! (SPESE DI RESO: 0€)

Pagamento alla consegna!

What are you waiting for?

The 40% discount won't last forever! 

Grab your Kit and finally say goodbye to KNEE PAIN...

Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™
Knee Brace Necs™

Necs™ KIT
Restore Pain-Free Leg Flexibility


SAVE 40%
(while stock last)

5 items in stock

What will you get?

We're not just shipping the Knee Brace...

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You'll receive the

Necs™ Knee Brace

which we recommend you wear as often as you can. This allows the 12 Points of Massage to work on your knee as a physiotherapist would...

79£ 49£

insoles copia.webp__PID:fa083cb5-7b12-490e-85e7-842feea5c0d9

And also the 

Necs™ Insoles

We recommend using the Necs Insoles to help distribute the weight of each step and reduce the impact on your knees

19£ Free


Genouillère Nex™

Vous recevrez à domicile la genouillère NEX™ - C'est la seule genouillère avec les 12 points de massage (technologie brevetée NEX)

129€ 79€


Semelles Nex™

Les semelles en NEXFOAM sont incluses dans le KIT, elles déchargent le poids du corps au sol, réduisant de 94 % le poids de chaque pas sur le genou. 



Comment éviter que l'arthrose du genou ne s'aggrave

Vous recevrez le guide contenant tout ce que vous devez savoir pour éviter que l'arthrose du genou ne s'aggrave en inflammations et conditions plus graves.



Reprendre à marcher sans douleurs

Écrit par la Dr. Stéphanie (Chirurgienne orthopédiste spécialisée dans l'articulation du genou)



35 aliments pour augmenter la production de cartilage entre les os.

Réintègre le cartilage entre les os en ajoutant ces 35 aliments à ton repas!


Why you shouldn't
IGNORE your 


Unfortunately, a vast number of people ignore their knee pain, or simply follow their doctor's advice, falling victim to expensive procedures that often lead to even worse pain.

Ignoring knee pain is the most dangerous decision we can take, especially considering our knee joints are constantly under the pressure of our body weight.

Neglecting knee pain can quickly escalate into severe discomfort, confining you to your home and stripping away your ability to work, take long walks, or maintain independence even in the simplest tasks.

And the number of people being victim of their own Knees is dangerously increasing!

That's why we created the Necs Knee Brace.

We don't want our customers to become victims of often unnecessary surgeries and costly pain relievers that fail to address the root cause of the problem.

There's a better, natural way to heal knee pain.

Why opt for the expensive and risky options?

The 12 Massage Points naturally enhance protein and blood flow in the joint, ensuring that our body addresses the painful area effectively.

And if it doesn't work for you... If you believe your case is too advanced and surgery seems like the only option...

Well, you have 30 days to request a FULL refund, no questions asked